I always try to relate old school pop-culture icons with new technology. I do? Well, sometimes. Ok, I do it alot in conversations with people and yes I do get looked at funny. But this one really makes sense.
I’ve been really spending alot of time visiting social networks of all kinds but they all seem to be in the theme of either savvy blog users looking to talk to other savvy blog users or wacky silly people pretending to be somebody else to hook up with other people pretending to be someone else.
However I’ve recently ran into a social network that really brought back some old memories from the 80s. Ok, I must admit, I did listen to old school rap and I throw down my share of cardboard to do some killer back spins. We all had crazy and insane ideas of break dance wars replacing bloody gang wars. Well that certainly didn’t happen. Plus the rap/break dance music back then transitioned from simple beats blaring from a boom box to intricate rhythms and east coast – west coast styles. The rap and break dancing didn’t solve the gang problems, but it did spawn a new type of music and culture…hip hop.
Now hip hop has been fused with the social networking craze by means of GoldMic.com. The site is cool and is described as “Your Hip Hop Network.” Their latest social gathering consists of a audio battle tournament for cash and prizes and features a celebrity judge named Damon Dash. Check it out and then you can really appreciate how far hip hop has come.
So where does Mr. T fit in with social networking? Well you will get a kick out of this HOT video of Mr T rappin’ away to the tune of “Treat Your Mother Right.” Not only is he a tough guy, but also one of the true pioneers of hip hop…judging by this video.
I promise you will be singing the chorus down the hallways of schools, colleges and the workplace. Enjoy!
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