Just found out about a cool WordPress plugin that takes advantage of blog and RSS blog scrapers to build links to your site. The plugin you’ll want to snag is RSS Footer plugin from the great Joost de Valk. (If you don’t have atleast one plugin from Joost then you are missing the boat with WordPress SEO).
Our of the box the plugin works great, but Graywolf states that you need to do some tweaking to it to take advantage of the link building posibilities of your RSS feed. With it you can build links to other sections of your blog, or another website for that matter. Michael used this approach to get top-ranking for the terms [seo blog] and [seo consultant]. I’m personally going to target the phrase [sexiest man alive]. Wish me luck 🙂
Go ahead and read his great WordPress SEO: How to Use RSS and Scrapers to Build Links article and start having fun.