I’ve reported in my last post that the Furby toys for 2012 are a hot item. I wanted to wait a few weeks before I posted a follow-up post, showing indeed how the trend is increasing. As the Christmas holiday gets closer, I’m sure we’ll even be seeing much more Furby stuff floating around.
So for the past 90 days, the web search interest trend for Furby has steadily increased in popularity, based primarily on news headlines, but that seems to be the driving force behind “hot” items year after year:
So the next natural step for the consumer is to find these items and find them cheaply. This is easily seen by looking at the currently rising terms used to find information on the Furby for 2012. In fact, the terms Walmart Furby and Amazon Furby
have increased by at the least 200% over the past 90 days.
What does this mean to affiliate marketers? This means it is time to start plugging your Walmart and Amazon affiliate links for Furby toys. I’ve already done so, and I will continue to do so for the next month.
The other rising search stars for the Furby toys is something I typically neglect to consider. What seems to go with toys, movies, cartoons, or whatever these days is an app companion for the iPad, iPhone or Android device. If you currently have an Apple iTunes affiliation (maybe through Linkshare), you may want to start some chatter with the Furby apps.
Oh wow, I just noticed this cool little Furby, the FURBY, Raincloud