Silly stuff…cracks me up when you see celebrities with no teeth or eyebrows. Thank goodness for Photoshop for making these wonderful photos possible.
Robert Pattinson without teeth or eyebrows.
The silly thing about this one is that most recently Robert mentioned that he regrets getting his teeth worked on. I’m not sure
why, I don’t actually know what his teeth looked like before, but, well, atleast with Photoshop, dental work is free of charge!
Katy Perry without teeth or eyebrows. Wow, this has to be the best photo of celebrities with no teeth or eyebrows.
Justin Timberlake without teeth or eyebrows. I know this one is bad, but it still cracks me up.
Justin Bieber without teeth or eyebrows.
Celebrities with no teeth or eyebrows – totally hilarious!

just eww